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The book of Psalms was known as the hymn book of Israel. The word "Psalms" means "songs to the accompaniment of a stringed instrument.” It is the prayer and praise book of the Bible.

It is difficult to outline the book of Psalms as each chapter focuses on different subject matter. Many of the Psalms have titles which either tell the occasion when the Psalm was written or the purpose of the Psalm. Some of the Psalms were not given titles so we can only speculate as to when and why they were written. The Harvestime International Institute course entitled "Creative Bible Study Methods" provides a special study form for outlining each chapter in Psalms. The general outline of this book consists of five major divisions:

Part One: Psalms l-41

Number of Psalms: 41

Summary of content: Concerns man, his state of blessedness, fall, and recovery.

Key word: Man

Final doxology: 41:13

Part Two: Psalms 42-72

Number of Psalms: 31

Summary of content: Israel, her ruin, her Redeemer

Key word: Deliverance

Final doxology: 72:18-19

Part Three: Psalms 73-89

Number of Psalms: 17

Summary of content: The sanctuary, looking forward to its establishment.

Key word: Sanctuary

Final doxology: 89:52

Part Four: Psalms 90-106

Number of Psalms: 17

Summary of content: The earth: The blessing needed, anticipated, and enjoyed.

Key words: Unrest, wandering (which describes the believer's position in the present world)

Final doxology: 106:48

Part Five: Psalms 107-150

Number of Psalms: 44

Summary of content: The Word of God

Key words: Word of God

Final doxology: 150:6
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