About the Open English Bible (OEB)

The Open English Bible creators and editors are committed to creating a completely free modern English translation of the Bible.

The OEB is under a Creative Commons Zero licence - that is, it is in the public domain. It's available completely without cost, and completely without restrictions. It's your Bible — you can use it in worship, print as many copies as you want (whole or part), republish it on your own website, even remix it or take it as the base for your own translation to meet your needs and the needs of your community. And you can do this without needing our permission or paying us a cent (or penny, rupee or kobo).

If you find that questions of copyright are making it harder for you to use or distribute the Bible, then why not try the OEB?

We at Logos Light International are currently creating an audio version of the Open English Bible.

Read the current release of the OEB New Testament online.

Listen to the Open English Bible